
hi there! my name is jack (he/him). i've been wondering how to start this thing for a very long time at this point. it's been on my bucket list for years, along with a lot of other things that i am uncerimoniously putting off. but that time ends now. so welcome to my website.

so who am i? im jack. i have an interest in public transportation and urban planning, and i've enjoyed making (fantasy) transit maps, among other things, using figma. i also watch movies and tv, and in the past i was a big part of the owl house and amphibia fandoms though i have moved on at this point. i have questioned my gender a lot in the past, but now i feel like i can just do what i want (and i will... eventually?). but i like girls.

ive also had youtube channels in my life, which i may as well mention, the shittiest animations you've ever seen as (though do keep in mind that i was literally 11 years old) well as some cringy edits (which i made when i was 13 years old). im not very proud of this stuff, but it is what it is. watch at your own risk.

i created this website because i wanted to learn to use html, and ofc while this is still fairly barebones its fun and i will keep updating this. i plan on making a blog and stuff but everything will happen at some point. for now, please feel free to follow me on twitter and on letterboxd. bye :3

also worth noting that i am 15 years old. if you're a pedophile, shoo.

established july 3 2023, last modified feb 10 2024. view changelog